The 2018-2024 series is finished. The titles for 2024-2024 will be published in September
NGSBA Excavation Preliminary Reports
This is our electronic journal which reports the results of our excavations.
NGSBA Archaeology Journal
NGSBA Archaeology is our platform for presenting the results of our fieldwork. The contents consist mainly of reports on salvage archaeology projects conducted by Y.G. Archaeology under NGSBA oversight.
- Tel Dan 2024 season, June 26-July 23
- Tel Maresha with Archaeological Seminars
- et-Tell/Bethsaida
The NGSBA is an academic institution with an active field research program. Our work focuses on the Land of Israel, asking both universal questions about the development of human society and more particular ones concerning the special nature of ancient Canaan and Israel and the world of the Bible. We believe that a rigorous, critical approach to archaeology and the Bible can lead to new insights into the roots of our cultural identity, without denying the historical narrative of others.
The Nelson Glueck Schol of Biblical Archaeology
Hebrew Union College
13 King David St. Jerusalem 94101
Tel. (972)-2-6203257
Fax. (972)-2-6203226
Research excavations
For many years, since 1964, the NGSBA’s field projects were confined to research excavations. Our first project was conducted at Tel Gezer. Starting in 1974 Tel Dan became the school’s flagship project and it has remained so ever since.
Community excavations
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Salvage excavations
Contract archaeology (often called “rescue” or “salvage” archaeology) is archaeological survey and excavation carried out, under commercial contract, in areas threatened by, or revealed by, construction or other development.
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